Wood and Stone

Each design provides a visual and textured character to the glass replicating other materials like marble and wood, complementing the advantages of the natural glass: less weight more resistance, better ease for handling and better light transfer properties. The highly versatile designs can be adapted for smaller installations or reproduced and link the steems for bigger projects.

Our digital ceramic inks are joined to the glass during the tempering process creating some amazing designs. In Vinalsa we produce tempered printed glass that can be laminated, curved and double glazed. Our digital ceramic inks also add functionalities like solar control, diffusion and light transmission to the glass.




The perfect size

These marble and wood designs are available in 3000x1200mm. assuring this way the correct printing and the definition, we can trim our image to adjust it to its size and even we could make it bigger* if needed.

* The enlargement of the image has always had to be confirmed by the client, Vinalsa won’t be responsible for any pixel resolution or printing faults in these cases.